Key figures

Profit after tax

5,153 NOK million

Greenhouse gas emissions

546,859 tCO₂e

Sorting rate

91 %

Hydropower production

18.5 TWh

Number of employees


Number of injuries

7.4 per million hours worked


NOK million20232022
Revenues and other income 18,69822,028
EBITDA 15,13020,087
Operating profit (EBIT) 13,86219,340
Underlying operating profit 12,49219,914
Profit before tax 13,63118,879
Profit after tax 5,1534,344
Net interest-bearing debt 9,6089,523
-of which subordinated debt 5,4217,338
Total assets 91,04897,265
Capital employed 63,67965,609
Investments in operating assets 1,217870
ROE (%)*11.0 %10.2 %
ROCE (%)*21.8 %29.5 %
Net interest-bearing debt/EBITDA (x)*0.60.5
FFO/Net interest-bearing debt (%)*2 %155 %
Equity ratio (%)51 %44 %

*We have changed the calculations of the key figures in the annual report to better reflect the Group’s financial situation by focusing exclusively on balance sheet values at the end of the period, in contrast to previously when we used average values. We believe this gives a more accurate and relevant indication of the Group’s performance and financial situation. The comparative figures have been changed accordingly.

Power price 2010-2028

Key figures 2


Number of employees812686
Turnover (voluntary termination)3.4 %3.6 %
Number of injuries per million hours worked (H2) last 12 months7.42.9
Greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) (tCO2e) *546,859410,274
Hydropower produced (TWh)18.513.8
Achieved power price (øre/kWh)73150
Nordic system price (øre/kWh)64137
Heat sales (GWh)1,833761

*The carbon emissions include market-based emissions in scope 2. As a result of improved data quality and calculation methodology, the carbon emission figure for 2022 has been revised from the reported figure in 2022.